A634.9.4.RB – A Reflection of our Learning
A Reflection of our Learning Ethics and Corporate Responsibility has been for some reason that I cannot explain has been very challenging to me in comparison with the other ten courses that I have completed so far. At first, my first impression of the course was that how complicated can the course be. I have lived my life and placed myself on high moral and ethical standards based on my mother’s influence, my teachers, instructors, mentors, etc. But I was wrong. I found myself digging very hard, reading the instructions and still found myself sometimes confused as to how to phrase my thoughts and put them into words. This course had made me look deeper into who I am and the ethical and moral standards that I uphold. I have always believed that e thics is that of our moral beliefs that conform to the way we live and the way we create our world through the choices we make every day. We are the best of who we are when we ethically live our lives in...