A634.4.4.RB – Is Affirmative Action Ethical?
Is Affirmative Action Ethical? According to LaFollette (2007), affirmative action is the practice of giving favorable consideration to women in hiring and minorities in school placements. Affirmative action is in one way or another a form of discriminatory act and unethical. Tiatorio (n.d.) stated that ethical behavior in its purest form is a balance between self-interest and group responsibility, predominantly a behavior learned to stand in contradiction to an instinct. Ethics are the standards of right and wrong that are described as what humans are obliged to do when it comes to the obligations, rights, and benefits to fairness and/or specific virtues (Claire et al., n.d.). President John F. Kennedy and President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 10925 and Executive Order 11246 that mandated a “non-discriminatory pol...