
           AuburnHungerStudies (2011) defined conflict as differences in clashes between the needs, perceptions, interest, and activities of individuals that are part of our social life.  It is man-made and can be violent, non-violent intense or light.  Webster (n.d.) defined conflict as a lack of agreement or harmony, or a physical dispute between opposing individuals.  It is a state of violent armed struggle between countries or nations, and it is an earnest effort for superiority or victory over another.  In short, conflict is the occurrence of a series of disagreements where a presence of a threat to the individual's needs or concerns is perceived.
During my employment at Bethune-Cookman University, I had the opportunity to participate in resolving behavioral and cultural conflicts between two men from the Physical Plant Department which almost resulted in physical violence.  The University had employed the younger facility maintenance employee who is an African-American which we will call Andre for about seven years.  The older employee who is a Caucasian male and we will call him John had worked at B-CU for almost one year when the event occurred.  Three weeks before the occurrence of the event, John was promoted to Facility Maintenance Supervisor, meaning that Andre who had applied for the position was not selected.
One week before the conflict occurred, the current Facility Maintenance Manager came to my office to give me a heads-up that there was a possibility that the two employees had a heated conversation.  According to the female employee who witnessed the conversation, Andre was yelling at John regarding scheduling and a particular assignment location.  John responded in a distinctively monotone voice was that he was just doing his job so “don’t shoot the messenger.”  John further stated that it was nothing personal then left the scene.  I recommended to the Facility Maintenance Manager to take the time to sit down with the two employees and let them know that he was aware of the occurrence and that any further altercation cannot be tolerated in the workplace.
On the next Monday after the meeting with the two employees, the Facility Maintenance Manager came to my office while radioing for the two employees to report to the Office of the Human Resources Assistant Director.  I was not prepared for the meeting, but my mediator instinct took effect.  When the two employees arrived and entered my office, it was very apparent that Andre was more agitated than John.  I had Andre and John sit on both ends of my rectangle meeting table while the Manager and I sat on the other ends making sure that the two employees were out of reach from each other.  Discreetly, I had asked my assistant earlier to have Security outside my office once the door closes just in case a physical altercation occurs. 
I opened the meeting by stating the do’s and don’ts.  Do not raise the tone of your voice and interrupt the other person while talking.  Do tell only the facts and nothing else.  Since Andre appeared to be more agitated, I had him tell his side first.  There were times that his tone of voice was getting forceful, so I reminded Andre to calm down and stick to facts.  All this time, John was quiet and kept to the rule of no interruption.  Then it was John’s turn to relay his side of the story.  I found out that the main issue was that John had asked one of the Physical Plant employees if they knew the whereabouts of Andre and had told them that Andre had not responded to the radio for about thirty minutes.  Andre took offense at John’s action, approached John and said to watch his back.  John, in turn, reported the incident to the Manager and expressed his concern for his life.
After hearing both sides, I reminded both employees about the zero tolerance imposed by the University on Workplace Violence Policy.  I asked my assistant to print two copies and asked Andre and John to sign each of them acknowledging of their understanding of the policy and gave them signed copies for their records.  I informed them that the original signed copies would be placed in their personnel folder.  Then I asked both employees to give me at least three action plans to correct the behavioral issue.  Lastly, I scheduled a follow-up meeting with Andre, John, and the Facility Maintenance Manager to discuss any development or improvement.  The meeting was concluded with Andre and John signing the verbal notification of their behavioral issue but also with notifying them that it will not be included in their personnel file.  I asked Andre and John to shake hands.  I felt their sincerity in apologizing to each other, and I felt pride in knowing that was an excellent conflict resolution meeting.  We met thirty days again after as scheduled, and Andre, John, and the Facility Maintenance Manager were all in good spirits and were doing very well, emotionally and were performing their jobs with excellence.  I did not hear of any re-occurring incidents between John and Andre before I eventually left the University.
Knowing what I know now, as an Assistant Director of HR, I wish that during my time at the University that I could have coordinated some training sessions for Managers and Directors about the art of Mediation.  According to McKenzie (2015), mediation was advancing to have a significant position in the integrated organizational system of conflict management.  Mediation was projected to be conclusive in resolving disputes that involved intense emotions and was beginning to be the standard means to adjudicate harassment and discrimination challenges.  Lastly, mediation administers peaceful discussion for all parties concerned thus facilitating a workable resolution to a dispute rather than an adversarial procedure that involves a right to adjudicate in a more formal setting under a rigid set of rules (McKenzie, 2015).
AuburnHungerStudies (2011). What is Conflict? Retrieved from:
Conflict (n.d.). In Miriam-Webster Thesaurus online.  Retrieved from:
McKenzie, D. M. (2015). The role of mediation in resolving workplace relationship conflict.
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 39, 52. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2015.01.021


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