A521.8.3.RB – Cornerstone of Speaking

Cornerstone of Speaking
Many organizations like my current employer benefit greatly when their workforce can collaborate to achieve organizational goals and have the capacity to get to know each other and understand how to work cohesively.  Understanding my leadership or management style is beneficial to gaining knowledge of my strengths and weaknesses.  My management or leadership styles depicts my perspectives and what I value most.  Having self-awareness will aid me in our communication with the people I work with or those around me.  Knowledge of who I am is a form of empowerment to advance in my personal or professional pursuits.013
            Based on Treasure’s (2018) recommendation, to improve my future presentations, I will follow the four cornerstones of effective communication, Honesty, Authenticity, Integrity, and Lovee.  First, when I deliver my presentation, I need to invoke honesty where my message(s) is delivered clearly and transparency.  Second, my audience needs to recognize my authenticity by being myself and not pretend to be someone else.  Third, my method of delivery has to represent my integrity where my audience can feel and relate that I am who I am.  And lastly, my audience need to be able to have that open mind and recognizes that the words that come out from my mouth are from my heart and that my real concern for them is to wish them well because of my love for them as an individual or a human being. 
            In addition to delivering a presentation that is based on Treasure’s (2018) HAIL, in my future communications, I will adapt Hart’s communication skills.  When attending a meeting of open discussions, I will not be involved in any conversation without first making sure that I have everyone’s attention or focus towards me.  Once I have everyone’s attention to focus, I will commit to my stance or story by using phrases such as “this is the truth” or “I am not kidding you, I am telling you my honest opinion,” etc.  Then, before delivering my presentation to a large audience, I would experiment my speech or presentation to a small audience like my husband, members of my family and friends.  
Communication is imperative to our relationship.  Whether at work or home.  Clear and transparent communication is most essential for leaders like me to be successful professionally and personally.  To be able to develop consistent growth as a leader, it is of utmost importance that I learn the most effective way to be a persuasive communicator.  By mentoring my team in mastering the art of transparent communication, as a team, we will have the ability to reach a higher degree of excellence in our leadership abilities.
Charisma on Command (2016, Feb 22). Kevin Hart’s 3secrets to hilarious storytelling [Video
File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=vn_L4OPU_rg
QuickTalks (2018, May 16). How to speak so that people want to listen/Julian Treasure [Video


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